Sponsorship Opportunities
The Canadian Cutting Horse Association (CCHA) champions and embraces the values of the west and ranching heritage by promoting the cutting horse through ethical, fair, and competitive horsemanship. The CCHA honours the rich history of cutting in Canada and preserves this legacy by advocating for growth, education, and financial sustainability while exposing the sport of cutting to a broad audience.
The CCHA has NCHA affiliates that comprise of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Each affiliate holds CCHA shows yearly from April to the middle of October. The CCHA approves over 20 cutting horse competitions throughout the year. In 2022 the CCHA approved 22 shows and saw 63 days of cutting with 3,469 entries across Western Canada. These events bring competitors from across Western Canada, Ontario and the USA.
All roads then lead to the world-renown Calgary Stampede in the fall for the Canadian Cutting Horse Association Finals. This event is hosted in conjunction with the Calgary Stampede Cutting Horse Futurity and the National Cutting Horse Association Aurora Circuit Finals. This event is an innovative concept and provides a unique opportunity for sponsors looking to partner with an association that has national recognition at a world-recognized facility.
Approximately 300 members annually. Despite sharing a passion for the performance horse, competitors and spectators come from varying areas of our economy - ranchers, farmers, oilfield, logging, trucking, medical, hospitality, etc.
Our membership features competitors from Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the United States of America.
At the 22 shows hosted across Western Canada last year, the local economy is heavily supported. Members utilize hotels, fuel, restaurants, grocery stores, feed and tack stores, support the cattle and hay industry, utilize trucking companies and spend their money at various other vendors furthering supporting the greater economy.
The CCHA has a robust and dynamic website. The CCHA Facebook page has 3200 followers on Facebook and utilizes social and web for nation-wide communication and promotion.
The CCHA is proud to have members that are NCHA World Champions and multiple NCHA World Finalists.

Title Sponsor
At minimum, monthly Facebook Exposure on CCHA page
Represented on the CCHA website with a link to your company and description of your business
Represented at the CCHA Finals at the Calgary Stampede
Multiple mixed-media announcements at CCHA Finals
Company logo represented on the CCHA Finals webcast & jumbotron throughout the show.
Company name & logo displayed on pop-up banner display at the Finals Company logo embroidered on all of the Top 10 finalist awards for each class (110 awards)
4 company provided banners (1 for each affiliate) to be displayed at all CCHA approved shows across Western Canada in 2023
Affiliate associations will recognize company name & logo on their websites, social channels and live feeds, when applicable.
Invite to major affiliate shows throughout the year for a "Meet & Greet" and to experience the thrill of cutting - great opportunity for employees, contractors or friends of the company
10 tickets to the Sponsors Appreciation Night (appies & drinks) at the Finals hosted at the Calgary Stampede
Invite & recognition at the CCHA Celebration of Champions, participate in award presentation & photos
CLASS Sponsor
Company name affixed to a class
Announced during the class you sponsor
Represented at the Finals
Facebook exposure
Represented on the CCHA website with a link to your website
Company logo represented on the CCHA Finals webcast & jumbotron throughout the show
Company name & logo displayed on pop-up banner display at the Finals
4 tickets to the Sponsors Appreciation Night (appies & drinks) at the Finals
Invite & recognition at the CCHA Celebration of Champions, participate in award presentation & photos for your class

$500 & UP
Facebook exposure
Represented at the Finals
Represented on the CCHA website with a link to your website
Company logo represented on the CCHA Finals webcast & jumbotron throughout the show
Company name displayed on pop-up banner display at the Finals
2 tickets to the Sponsors Appreciation Night (appies & drinks) at the Finals
Invite & recognition at the CCHA Celebration of Champions